The Pain Elimination Program was created from 30+ years of experience to provide a safe, self directed system to treat pain and inflammation without the use of pharmaceutical drugs and narcotics. It’s indented to educate and guide patients to take control of their pain through food, supplementation, exercise and daily balance. Within the last couple of months we’ve systematically been walking you through each phase of the program, as well as providing tips for success and educating on the role of dietary supplements. As our last blog in this series, we want to wrap it up by addressing some of the key points from each section!
- Inflammation and the Microbiome: It’s key to understand that inflammation is at the root of numerous chronic diseases including osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and migraines. We must also understand that dietary habits play a large role in increasing inflammation. Therefore, in order to get a handle on inflammation we must eliminate the foods that we know contribute to both a pro-inflammatory response and leaky gut such as cow dairy, gluten, sugar, trans fats, and animal fats. In regards to the Microbiome, we’re looking at a collection of bacteria and yeast that resides in the human gut and plays a major role in overall health. By keeping the microbiome healthy and happy we can reduce systemic inflammation and support the immune system. Read more here.
- Clearing Your Body: The clearing phase is focused on cleaning up, clearing out, and reducing the burden that’s been put on the body. A food log should be kept for the 10 days listing everything consumed, as well as exercise, sleep, water intake, how you feel, pain, and stress. Only foods contained on the CLEAR foods list should be consumed. Read more here.
- Re-Introduce, Discover, & Personalize: During the re-introduction phase (days 11-35) we are carefully and methodically reintroducing food groups looking for a variety of reactions. A schedule is provided indicating when and what food should be added in and when to revert back to the CLEAR foods list. When foods elicit a reaction we consider the food an offending food (possible food sensitivity) and should be removed from your personalized food list. Read more here.
- The Role of Dietary Supplements: Dietary supplements are necessary to help fill in the gaps of nutrient insufficiencies/deficiencies, help the body return to its natural state of balance more rapidly and assist your body’s ability to help alleviate certain symptoms. Supplements can differ greatly, however the ones we offer are formulated with only the purest raw material, meet cCMP quality standard, and have increased bioavailability. Read more here.
- Tips for Success: finding balance: The first key tip for success is to make sure you have a guide/coach to help you navigate your way to a healthy lifestyle. Make sure you take baseline measurements (labs, body composition, full body picture, etc.), get 8-9hours of sleep per night, utilize techniques to manage stress, and incorporate exercise. Finding balance in your life is crucial to not only succeeding through this program, but through managing your overall health. Numerous studies have shown the effects stress, lack of sleep, and lack of exercise can play on diminishing your quality of life. Read more here.
If you haven’t had the opportunity to read each blog or watch the short videos, we welcome you to do so! As we mentioned in our previous blog, we understand it can be a challenge to just follow a map when it comes to changing decades of set habits so we’re here to help guide and support you. For more details please feel free to reach out to 410-224-4446 or email us at